Artist statement | Remembering Aaron Bushnell & Palestinian Lives Lost

By bravely dismantling the façade of so-called American ideals, Airman Aaron Bushnell’s extreme act of protest dealt a damning blow to U.S. imperialism and the military-industrial complex.

I honor Aaron for his integrity in recognizing the implications of his privilege and choosing to reject the colonial myth. Aaron understood the significance of solidarity and dutifully accepted.

As I write this, I am wounded, enraged, and even more distraught than I could have imagined after witnessing ongoing genocide in Palestine — a genocide in which you and I are also complicit. Self-immolation is an extreme act of protest that feels impossibly heavy and horrific to understand. However, after almost six months, I can comprehend why Aaron did what he did. Yet, I am sick with grief over the impossible and violent circumstances that forced him to take on such a burden.

As we mourn Aaron Bushnell and the more than 30,000 Palestinian lives lost to this ongoing genocide, let his courageous act of love echo within us, shocking us from complacency and moral apathy. Let our grief remind us that we are still alive and tethered to our souls. May his example inspire us to relentlessly reject colonial myths, stand with the oppressed, and lead with a heart ablaze. Let Aaron’s love for collective liberation root us all, grounding us firmly on our path forward.

May all the martyrs rest in the pulsating heartbeat of eternal vitality, and may we always hear and be moved by their rhythm.

In honor of Aaron Bushnell, Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine.

In mourning and solidarity,



Aaron Bushnell



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